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John Sutherland: Reminiscence
Responding to John Aeberhard's article in LEO Matters, Autumn, 2019: I have just finished belatedly reading your interesting article about the story of LEO and thought you might be interested in a further development of the story. I started to work for ICL in Dalkeith in 1972. As I understand it, at some stage between then and 1975 when I left, some of my colleagues were working on a project to put LEO onto the 2960 (I think) for the Post Office. Apparently, the Post Office unions insisted on retaining their existing LEO system, so my colleagues were microprogramming the machine, which was also capable of running VME systems to run DME/LEO. Date : 2020This exhibit has a reference ID of CH62292. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |